Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Hollywood Reporter, round dos!

A new drawing for this weeks Hollywood Reporter for the article "The Globes Go To Court"!

AD: Jackie Rubi

an alternate color scheme that I also liked:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

NYT Op-Ed: Shortchanged by the Bell

Just a quick update over here! I did today's NY Times Op-Ed page main illo for the article Shortchanged by the Bell. This was the fastest larger project I've had to date and it totally killed my nerves but we pulled through! Big thanks Josh and Alexandra! Make sure to pick it up and support this super awesome paper!

AD: Josh Cochran

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm so fresh

This is my contribution to NOBROW 6, which is going to rock everyone's socks off!

I did a little painting for RAW's 5 year anniversary show in Manchester. If you're out there in the UK, u should go! All the profits are going to charity!

Also, I've been in Southern Maine for the last week and I tried to get some sketchbooking done since I've been slacking for most of the year. Here's the first spread thus far!

And lastly, I'll be in Baltimore on the 24th! I'm super excited! Speaking of B'more, Abby did some cool character drawings for B Newspaper recently! check em out if you're in the area! Also if you're on the west coast, pick up The Stranger since Niv has a drawing on the front cover this week!

I'm in the next CMYK too! I'll post a pic when it comes out in October :D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ten Paces

I finished up a sketch by Janna Morton for last weeks Ten Paces. It's always fun to do stuff like this since it's a friendly artistic endeavor with very little pressure! :D

I also picked up a copy of last week's Hollywood Reporter with my little ol' drawing in it. The printing is better than I thought it would be for a weekly! yay

This week I'm going to Maine! w00000000 lobster party win