Tuesday, January 25, 2011

turtle power

herro ery'body, long time no post! this is a quicker little piece that I did for Jaime Zollars' Fantasy Art class. we were supposed to take a fantasy art cliché and make it not suck. My subject was islands that were actually big turtles, thus trans-dimensional turtle island.

I also went to the Sequential/Uncommissioned Opening at the Society of Illustrators and it was purdy gewd. Met some new people as well as some kids from the internet that I'd been wanting to meet for awhile. I was way nervous during my speech since the place was super packed!

I have some cool projects in the works (like real people work) that will be unveiled soon enough ;D thanks for being so patient as I struggle to post more often!

stay gold,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

it's so cold!

Here is a project that I did last semester for my independent study. Awhile back I did packaging for a fictional craft brewery called Drunk Pup and I thought it might be neat to have a takeaway type item. That idea just kind of warped into these coasters which which were letterpressed by a local shop in NJ. I made 100 packs of them and sold at the MICA art market a few weeks ago. I have a few left if anyone feels inclined to purchase them.

I've been busy HARD CHILLIN' this break and it's been rather nice. Laura and I have spent the last week in New Jersey pretending to be productive. We aren't fooling anyone though. She added some new work to her website recently so everyone should take a peak! click here!

On Friday a few of us will be trouncing into the city for the Society of Illustrators 53 sequential/uncommissioned opening. If you're in the area you should check it out! there will be some cool work by the likes of Asaf Hanuka, Yuko Shimizu, Gary Taxali, Mark Todd, The Heads of State, Dice Tsutsumi, Martin Wittfooth, Kim Rosen, Brian Rea, Chris Buzelli and Leif Parsons (as well as yours truly). Anyone down for a pizza adventure afterwards? Also, I did find out that I am not the only current student to medal seeing as Sachin Teng totally pwn'd ery'one and won a gold. His stuff is A+

this is the face laura gives me when I give her free food

My LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE EVER starts soon. I have some big plans for these last few months! Quite a bit more weirdo personal work and sketchbook work which will be fun. I'm also taking a Japanese Music & Performing Arts Class which is sure to be rad!

stay gold,
xoxo nick