Sunday, December 21, 2008

mass update 2

Here's my final for my hand letters class with Whitney Sherman. The assignment was to make a calendar (almost) entirely out of hand-lettering. It took far too long to make but I guess I'm pretty proud of it.

here's one of my wonderfully framed prints that I sold a few of at the MICA Art Market last week. w00 for Michael's craft frames.

also, buttons!

and since i haven't posted anything from my figure drawing class this semester, I'm posting these two piczzzz. one's drawn with charcoal on bright white johannot and the other is drawn on rives bfk with india ink and a plastic fork. guess which is which. held up by my roomie/dawwwwg mitchell james.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ill1 finalz

Here's the triptych final that was for my illustration 1 class. I created a series of illustration for environmentally-oriented articles. First is from Utne and is about African Eco-rangers, the second is for an article also from Utne about making dead people into pencils, and the last one is about eco-friendly logging companies from Mother Jones.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a few from the personal book

anddddddddddd some lulztastic photoshop doodles

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


o hai, i'm just gearing up for a rather large sketchbook post. A collaborative title page between me and the illustrious Warren Linn.

Friday, December 5, 2008

ILL final parte dos

w00000 ink. turns out the series is due a week before i thought. ughhhhh

also an updated version of the first piece of three

edit: i need some crits on the colored version of this piece