Hi everyone, a few little things to share for the moment (until you guys finally get to see some new stuff next week!):
1) I'm trying to update more often but I'm just in an awkward time when I can't show things yet (but that's not
that bad is it?). BUT I'm going to post tiny tidbits of things! :D

2) I'm also working on a new letter-sized promo 'zine which will get put out through Get Lost. Here are a few screencaps!

3) Here's a cool photo of GRRM looking at our new Game of Thrones 'zine! also in the photo is the lovely Kris Mukai (who made me a journal for our PUNK ROCK PIZZA CREW TOUR) and was huge in bringing the GoT 'zine to life.

za, sweet za
4) If you're in Baltimore, you should go to Artscape and get a hand fan with my
whale drawing on it! M|I|C/A is printing a bunch up for promo and things! Also, somebody could pick me up one that'd be cool too :3
stay posted! a few big things are coming out soon!