So many surprises today! First off, my first real piece came out (the one above). It's for Plan Adviser's section Hot Off the Presses and was AD'd by SooJin Buzelli. SooJin hires a TON of really really really good illustration so I definitely was happy to do this one!
ALSO, I got 5 (FIVE YEAH WOAH) pieces into American Illustration 30! suuuuuupppperrrrr stoked for real. O man, I'm so amp'd it's hard to type.
on the other side of the spectrum, SKOOL IS ENDING FOREVER. everything is coming down reaaaaal hard like. too many papers/finals/commencement shows to worry about for it to be anywhere near okay.
What does the future hold? Come June, I'm moving back up to NJ for a few months while I look for apartments in NY. Also, I need to rent out studio space. SO if you're in the city, and need a roommate or studiomate, hit me up! preferably in BRKLYN. holla atcha boi.
Julianna, Abby, and I will be running around the city on May 6th for SI Student opening. Pizza party all around.
AND, Chip Shot comes out soon! look at JJ's adorbz face!

con amor,
I, for one, welcome our new Nick Iluzada overlords.
Congrats bro, you deserve all that sweet sweet recognition (+cash).
Crazy congratulations! No surprise really, your work is brilliant. :D
Congrats! Awesome awesome awesome
oh dear.
thanks for real dawgs
sam, ca$h
jj, ;}
Nick you are a beautiful man- good job with your monopoly of American Illustration!
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