here's the b/w scan

edit: here's a darker more brown verson:

I'm not officially part of it or associated with it in any way but I will donate money if I get any buyers of some TFP-inspired prints! I'll be making 5 prints of my drawing that will be 11x14 inches. All of the profits (except those that will be used to cover the printing cost) will be donated to the TFP. I'm only asking for $50 USD per print (plus shipping and handling) and they will be numbered and signed. So here's what I have of it thus far:"Totoro Forest Project is an international charity effort to save Sayama Forest, also known as Totoro Forest. This endangered sanctuary on the outskirts of Tokyo is where director Hayao Miyazaki got the inspiration for his much loved character “Totoro.”
Over 200 top international artists from animation, illustration, and comics are donating artwork especially created for this cause. Find out more about the auction event, preview the incredible art collection and please consider supporting the Totoro Forest Project with your generous contribution!"