A couple of things just for you, internet! First up, an illo for Inc. Magazine about Ad Agencies investing in start-ups and how it can be a mutually beneficial relationship. I had a ton of fun with this piece :3 AD: Sarah Garcea

Next up is a spread and a cover for Vegas Seven Magazine! The article is called “Live After Death” and is about how being dead is good for business, especially in LV where, evidently, people are mad weird.
AD: Chris Jones

And last but not least, some spots for Adweek! Working with weeklies is both awesome and daunting because of the super quick deadlines, but I’m pretty happy with these (especially that shredder on the right)!
AD: Ron Goodman
In other news, I'm moving my studio into room 502 at the Pencil Factory in Greenpoint, Brooklyn! It's super exciting since I've been working alone since graduating from college. w000!also, if you have a tumblr you can follow me! I post much more regularly over there.
more stuff soon ;D <3